Weekly updates:

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Weekly updates

Soon to be released in black and white 3D is Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez’ Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. With über-babe French actress Eva Green being the dame in question ,there are a number of new faces in the second Sin City instalment. Including Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays a new protagonist written especially for the film, gambling man Johnny.

Three images have been released, of Johnny, Mickey Rourke’s loveable rogue Marv and Jessica Alba’s Nancy Callahan, who is just as averse to clothing as before. Talking to Entertainment Weekly Miller and Rodriguez had this to say about what we can expect from Nancy in part two:   

Frank Miller: “She’s out for revenge. She is sick of being treated — as she puts it — ‘as a piece of ass’.”

Robert Rodriguez: “You see a little girl in that first film. By the end of this, she’s the avenging angel.”

Hitting cinemas August the 22, you should probably read the comic book if you haven’t already.

Mica Nantes
