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It’s pretty obvious by now that Tyler, the Creator has his own specific way of doing things. Music, fashion, television—he follows his creative vision and doesn’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks, really. And now, it seems, he’s also crossed over into the culinary arts, kind of.

He’s been known to bring his own cooking gear on tour with him – mainly so he can fix up a classic American breakfast while he’s overseas – and he’s shared his portable stove-top secrets with us in this latest segment shared from his Golf Media channel, the first episode of The Greatest Cooking Show of All Time. Hosted by his friend Bonnie Lalich, the series speaks to the majority of us who aren’t Masterchefs and also only have “waffles, chips, and a microwave” in their kitchen.

Tyler shares his tips for making the perfect waffle. It’s an instant waffle, but Tyler does not fuck around with toasters or low quality ingredients. Apparently stove-top cooking and good butter (plus a little bit of ground cinnamon) are the keys to good waffle-making. Even if it is of the instant variety.

If you want to keep up with the series (it’s actually up to its second season), make sure you download the Golf Media app. In the meantime, check out the Eggo episode above.

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