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Ah, the internet. What would we be without it? Definitely not involved in weird ass trends like #starbucksdrakehands, that’s for sure. In case you haven’t already been violated by the latest hashtag to go viral, #starbucksdrakehands began like your average fairytale – boy meets girl… in a Starbucks line.

Girl gives boy phone number, boy sends girl Drake-assisted video selfie, girl’s buddy uploads video to Instagram, internet loses its mind. See below.

And while it’s still a fairly new phenomenon, it hasn’t stopped hoards of video selfie enthusiasts from sharing their own interpretations, including more than one famous face. And so, after much (not really) hard work and internet trolling, here are our top five #starbucksdrakehands videos to date. And while there will surely be many more to laugh at in the coming days (feel free to share yours), the only one we all want to see is from Drizzy himself. One can only hope.

Aaron Paul aka Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman – relevant AND hilarious

Talk show legend, Larry King – just hilarious

Puppy #starbucksdrakehands – adorable

Coordinated dressing room #starbucksdrakehands

TV Host and ex-NFL player, Terry Bradshaw – possibly the creepiest and most committed of them all