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Danny Brown is a good dude, he’s always smiling and he’s always cracking jokes – which I guess is a shame if you’re not a fan of his super abrasive laugh. In his most recent interview with Montreality the man known for no teeth and bars for days (rap, not xanax) gives us an insight into his life and how good he is feeling near the top of the rap food chain.

Touching on all the tough questions, Danny tells us about his past life as a British poet, let’s us in on what a collab with Eminem would sound like (spoiler: rap music) and gives a not-at-all cliché message to the youth. He also makes the observation that TDE can’t get their shit together to make an album, so how is he supposed to bring a couple of them together? Well Danny, if you can get a blowjob on stage and rap at the same time, you can probably do anything you set your mind to. We believe in you.

William Miller

Watch and listen to more crazy ass Danny Brown
Watch: Danny Brown – ‘Dip’

Listen: Danny Brown – ‘Side A (Old)’

Watch: Danny Brown Interview at Rock the Bells