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The term ‘Dead Mall‘ is a pretty obvious one. What was once a thriving bustling center for people, leisure and shopping, for whatever reason is no longer. Photographs of places that were designed for action, but are no longer filled any signs of life always have a strange and beautiful stillness to them that is all too reminiscent of death. Like the fantastic work of photographer Michael John Grist, who takes photos of abandoned theme parks (Haikyo), images of Dead Malls contain that same deathly essence and tribute to a consumerism of the past.

Blogger Duck Pie recently posted about the White Flint Food Court, and shared a number of truly fascinating photos that are both amusingly kitsch and strangely eerie. These fascinating photos act as a tribute to modern consumerism, 80s excess, greed, and the increasingly antiquated concept of actually leaving your house to buy things instead of just using the internet.

Rich Juzwiak of Gawker explains that some of the sadness may come from the thought of all those unrealised dreams of “the people to tried to sell you that shit you didn’t need.” Dead malls, abandoned theme parks and various other megalithic buildings and playgrounds dedicated to a time where fiscal responsibility wasn’t quite so dire.

Matt Derody

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