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Pastor, Caleb Kaltenbach, was browsing the aisles of Costco looking for a gift for his wife (pffft, cheap ass) when he made the discovery of a bunch of Bibles for sale, marked as ‘fiction’.


He took the above picture and tweeted it to his congregation along with the comment “Costco has Bibles for sale under the genre of fiction… hmmmm.” I think the emoji of the face giving an unimpressed side eye would have also been a nice addition. Costco issued an apology: “Costco’s distributor mislabeled a small percentage of the Bibles, however we take responsibility and should have caught the mistake. We are correcting this with them for future distribution. In addition, we are immediately relabeling all mislabeled Bibles. We greatly apologize for this error.” If you are wondering what that noise is, it’s the sound of thousands of atheists ROFLing. I actually visited the pastors twitter account and he seems pretty nice about the whole thing stating in one tweet:

Looks like Costco won’t burn in the depths of hell this time round.