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All this story brings to mind for me is a gigantic, colossal, larger than life-size trollface, and nothing else.

Poor old Peter Clatworthy from the UK has been done by one of the oldest scams on the Interwebs. He paid over $700 for a picture of an XBox One. 19 year old Clatworthy thought he was getting a good deal on a console, a gift to his young son, off eBay. Clatworthy claims that as a regular user, he even examined the details of the listing, yet overlooked the strange wording in relation to the item being a photo – it was listed under video games and consoles so it seemed legit right? Wrong, so very very wrong.

After paying what he thought was a good price for the “console” he received the shitty printout in the mail, even complete with “thankyou for your purchase” scribbled on the back, ouch. Clatworthy has contested the purchase, and eBay has agreed to give him a refund and follow up the con-artist behind this age-old troll.

The internet can be a cruel, cruel place. Remember to check that fine print peeps.

Adriana Barro