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123 On The Park is a high-end housing development located in Brooklyn, New York that used to be a Caledonian hospital. After the hospital shut down in 2003, it was re-modified into a housing complex that opened it’s doors to the living and the dead in 2014.

According to The New York Post, Doormen have been quitting their jobs as they have been  “spooked by eerie visions, sounds and even smells”.

The building’s superintendent explained to the NYP that a doorman “…was doing routine security walks in the basement and the back of the building, and every time he would go down there by himself, he would hear footsteps echoing around him,”.

“He told me he felt like a presence was following him.”

According to Gothamist, The spooky occurrences have been capitalised on by tenants who think the compromised living conditions in the building could help put a cap on their rent.
“Other enterprising locals have tried to turn the alleged haunting into a bargaining chip: The front desk manager added that some prospective renters have attempted to negotiate rent breaks on the basis that the units already come equipped with dead former tenants, an inconvenience roughly on par with mice or shower mould.”

Ghosts? A Poltergeist? Or maybe a collective of ingenuous renters that have banded together to act as rent control phantoms. I’m not sure (yes I am), but if your monthly payments are increasing and you want to stay in your nice home, perhaps buy a smoke machine and record some dark ominous music to ensure you never have to leave.


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