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Bad news for any diehard atmospheric horror fans; the long-awaited Silent Hills is as good as canned by the sounds of things. Director Guillermo del Toro reportedly told an audience at San Francisco Film Society that the collaborative effort alongside Japanese video game visionary Hideo Kojima would not be continuing. This seems like a run-on effect from news that Kojima would be leaving Konami amongst troubles concerning the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V. Del Toro’s announcement was made public on Twitter thanks to photojournalist Matt Hackney.

While some are still maintaining hopes that the horror franchise installation might still go ahead as planned, radio silence from Konami as well as the following tweet from Silent Hills lead (and The Walking Dead star) Norman Reedus does not bode well.

Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 12.58.26 pm

This follows news that the Silent Hills prelude P.T. would be pulled from the Playstation store on April 29. If the teaser was any indication of the full Silent Hills experience, it was looking to be a complete game changer in the stagnating survival horror genre. Hopefully it gets picked up and rejuvenated in some form but when the idea was originally envisioned by artistic masterminds like Guillermo del Toro and Hideo Kojima, Konami are going to be hard pressed to find a suitable contender to take the reins.


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