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Stop everything: Frank Ocean is back in front of the camera

Is this the secret drop the world has been waiting for?

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If I was you, I would drop everything you’re doing right now and head to Frank Ocean’s website. For god knows how long, we’ve been watching him at the other end of the webcam doing all sorts of things in his warehouse (as well a witnessing a whole lot of nothing). We then found out it wasn’t even a live stream at all, but a looped art project directed by Francis Soriano, which had a lot of people questioning if he was ever going to drop his album or if we got excited over nothing.

But Frank is up to something. Our hopes and excitement has never been so high. Frank has spun some tracks over his live stream which could possibly be from his unreleased album. As you watch Ocean banging and drilling away at whatever the hell he’s been building, he’s being scored by a number of tracks featuring him rapping (finally!!) over some beats and singing away in true Frank goodness.

All our limbs are crossed and we’re praying this leads to the official drop of Boys Don’t Cry really soon. Stay tuned.

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