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Weekly updates

Being honest, I’m usually not one to write that much on the internet. I often think my drawings and paintings kind of speak for themselves. I’m going to break that habit a little every now and then.

I’ve decided to post an oil painting I recently did, a little bit of a conflicting piece to work on looking back. It’s partly in reference to an older piece called “Twilight”(1981) by Norwegian painter Odd Nerdrum, which I’ve posted here.

I thought there was an extreme contrast between aspects of beauty and taboo… overall it made for an exciting image. He also made another work named “Shit Rock” (2001), which somewhat brought back that imagery threefold. There’s a lot of discussion you could go into about his work, the reasoning behind it and the impact it makes… I’m sure everyone who looks at them would have an opinion. But what makes this kind of piece appealing? What kind of person genuinely enjoys something so confronting? If the body in Nerdrum’s painting looked different would it still be as easy to look at?

Some questions that have been chipping at my brain for the last year or so about it which I’ll end with…