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Eyes still puffy from the finale of Breaking Bad? Understand Spanish? If you answered ‘si’ to both, this might be some of the best news you’ve read in a while. Sony Pictures Television have secured at least one season of a Spanish-language Breaking Bad revival called Metastasis (in reference to metastatic cancer) to be aired in South America.

Like most regional adaptations, there are going to be a few tweaks made to the Colombia-based series, starting with the lead characters names changed to Walter Blanco (duh), Jose (Jesse), Ciela (wife Skyler) and Henry Navarro (Hank) – seriously. Apparently RV’s aren’t all that popular in Colombia either, so that bad boy has been nixed, to be replaced by a beat-up school bus instead.

Studio execs pushed for the remake because the original series, which was top-rating in numerous countries, wasn’t easily accessible in Latin America and with a story based around drugs, violence and family drama, had all the ingredients to hook in the Hispanic market as well.

No news yet as to whether this will be showing up in anybody else’s local language but check out the trailer for Metastasis above.